
Terri Gladden (then)
Terri Gladden (now)

Terri Gladden has been fascinated with consciousness expansion for almost the entirety of her life on this planet. After receiving a “cosmic healing” from a fellow student at the Monroe Institute in 2001 she awoke one morning with the overwhelming desire to learn how to heal others. Hence the exploration and journey of learning various healing modalities began.

Terri is highly skilled at shamanic healing work, soul retrievals, entity and negative energy removal and is a Reiki Master with 20+ years experience. One of her specialties is entity removal, including things that go “bump in the night.” These healing’s, clearings and cleansing’s are performed remotely for the safety of all concerned and with a very high percentage success rate. She has taught and held workshops for Shamanism and Reiki. Her focus is on healing on multiple levels and the ultimate goal of “The Work” – Light Body Activation.

Terri is a full mesa carrier having taken all of the Light Body/Medicine Wheel training and advanced training from the staff at the Four Winds Society. Terri has received advanced training in Advanced Soul Retrieval, Advanced Divination, Mastery of Time etc. Her teachers include the staff of Four Winds, the following Qero: Humberto and Bernadina, Don Francisco and Basilio. She has studied with Elizabeth Jenkins, Malku and Jonette Crowley. She has been trained to perform exorcisms under the tutelage of John Livingston of Sedona, AZ. Ongoing studies include Tibetan Shamanism and Huna from the teachings of Maggie Connor and Uncle George Na’ope. All of this training has been combined into a powerful eclectic healing modality as ordained by Great Spirit.

Terri is a graduate student of the Monroe Institute including Exploration 27, Starlines and Starlines II. She has taken the Remote Viewing practicum as offered by Skip Atwater and is proficient at Remote Viewing. She is a seeker and will continue to seek knowledge and self mastery all of her days. Namaste!